Animated Stories

Animated Stories

The Grumpy Tree

There was once a grumpy tree. It was the biggest tree in the forest, and it didn’t need its shadow for anything. However, the tree would never share its shadow with any of the animals, and wouldn’t let them come anywhere near.

One year, the autumn and winter were terrible, and the tree, without its leaves, was going to die of cold. A little girl, who went to live with her grandma that winter, found the tree shivering, so she went to get a great big scarf to warm the tree up. The Spirit of the Forest appeared and told the little girl why that tree was so solitary, and why no one would help him. Even so, the girl decided to put the scarf on the tree.

The next springtime, the tree had learned from the girl’s generosity, and when she sat next to the trunk the tree bent down to shade her from the sun. The Spirit of the Forest saw this and went to tell all the animals. He told them that from then on they would be able to shade themselves well, because the tree had learned that having kind and generous beings around makes the world a much better place to live in.

Nighty Night Circus

Nighty Night Circus is a bedtime story for little children that will delight them and get them to sleep as they watch each character prepare to sleep and switch off their lights one after the other.

The story begins with a little owl is sleepy and flies to a branch to get ready for bed. The owl is startled by a noise and flies down to find out. There is a circus outside town and the animals are getting ready to call it a night. First we see the bear who makes shapes with balloons. He is very sleepy. The bear blows out his candle and goes to bed. Then we see a sleepy bunny rabbit with his magic wand who dozes off while practicing magic tricks, he soon goes to bed and we wish him goodnight. We go to the elephant’s den next, the elephant is practicing on his stool. He too goes to sleep as we say goodbye. In a kettle shaped home, the snake rattles his tail, does tricks with the balls on the shelf using his tail and then finally slithers into his basket for a good night’s sleep. The seal is in his room playing with a ball and flapping his tail. Soon he too lies down to sleep and we move on to the fleas who live in a shoe. The three fleas take turns playing in their little match box beds and when when the lights go off they too yawn and go to sleep as well. The Lion prances about in his room and does a balancing act by standing on a small ball. He roars and runs about and then comes back in to lie down and slips into sleep. Now all the circus animals are asleep. When we go back to take a look at the little owl, we find her sound asleep too, dreaming about circus probably! ‘Now it is your turn to sleep! Don’t forget to turn off the lights!’ Says the storyteller in his soothing voice as the story comes to an end.

The Sun and the Wind

Have you heard about the story of The Sun and the North Wind? It is a story from Aesop’s Fables (Perry Index 46). Different versions of this fable are taught to children all around the world to teach an important lesson on persuasion and power.

The Wind was very proud of its power and think’s he is the strongest in the world. The wind challenges the sun with a bet. The challenge was to get a traveller, who was walking through the field below, to take his coat off. The first one to get the man’s coat off would be declared the winner.

The wind took the first try and started blowing on the man, but the man held on to his jacket tightly and kept walking forward. The wind wouldn’t give up; he blew even harder and kept trying to blow the jacket off him. But the stronger the wind blew, the tighter the man held his coat. After a while the wind was too tired that he couldn’t blow anymore. As soon as he gave up the sun came forward shined brightly over the man. The traveller was suddenly feeling hot; so he undid his buttons one by one. The sun kept shining. The man felt too hot that he took off his jacket and threw it aside.

The wind was so embarrassed, but he learnt an important lesson. When you are gifted with a talent or power it must not make you arrogant and proud. The story teaches us that sometimes persuasion is more effective than force, in which case persuasion is preferable, since it allows the one persuaded to exert free will.

The Gingerbread Man

Making gingerbread in the shape of human figures began in the 16th century. Queen Elizabeth I of England used to get her gingerbread figure-shaped to look like some of her important guests. Following this, making ‘Gingerbread-men’ became a trend among the common people.

The Ginger Bread Man is a fairy tale about a ginger bread man’s escape from being eaten by many different people and where he finally ends up when the tale is done. The story begins in the house of an old couple who had no children. They were very lonely and pretty sad at times. To kill the boredom the old lady decides to make some ginger bread. While kneading the dough for the bread, she had an idea. She wanted to do something fun so she decided to cut the dough in the shape of a man to amuse her husband. She rolled out the dough and cut out the bread in the shape of a small man and put it in the over to bake.

She waited on her chair knitting away to pass the time. Then, as she smelled a lovely baked smell she got up and went to check on the ginger bread. When she opened the over door the ginger bread got up from the baking tray and jumped out of the oven. Before she realized what was going on the ginger bread man had already run out the door. The old lady ran after the ginger bread man and asked him to back.

He kept running and called out to the woman, ‘No no no, I am not your dinner, for you can’t lay your hands on me. Run run as fast as you can, you can’t catch me, I am the ginger bread man!!’ and so he kept running. The old lady called her husband to run after the ginger bread man and catch hold of him, he was their dinner! But the Ginger bread man kept running faster. Watch the rest of the story to know what happened to the Ginger Bread man as he kept running through the town mocking everybody who wanted to eat him.

The Disloyal Friend

The Disloyal Friend is a moral story that involves Tenali Rama, the court jester of Krishnadevaraya, the Vijayanagar emperor. The story is centered around four friends from Vijaynagar.

The four friends were poor and was in search of better job opportunities. So they decided to go to the city in search of work. Since they didn’t know for how long they would be gone they wondered what to do with their valuables. One of the friends suggested that they leave their valuables in the custody of an old washer woman who lived near his house. All the friends agreed to this and so they went to the washerwoman and handed over their valuables for safe keeping in her house.

The old woman told them that she would guard their valuables with her life. The friends further instructed her to return the valuables only when the four of them returned together.

One of them became a successful cloth merchant, the second set up an oil business and the third sold food grains and they all made lots of money. The fourth friend was not successful, and after a few days he returned to the village and went to see the old washerwoman. What did he tell the old woman? What happened to the rest of the three friends? Where does Tenali Rama’s wit and humour come to the rescue?

The Rain Maker

Do you love rain? Rain makes the environment cool. In this animated story, Musti became a rainmaker! How? Let us see. It was a hot day. Musti stayed in the house. He looked at his garden from his house. Since it was too hot, he could not go outside and play.

He suddenly heard a mild and strange noise in the garden. He rushed to garden and noticed it was none other than the tortoise. Tortoise had a strong and protective shell to cover from climate changes and enemies. Tortoises remained like a stone when they suspect something strange.

Sadly, the tortoise could not tolerate the heat. Musti pitied on tortoise. He told her he could spray some water on her so that can get rid of the heat. Tortoise was so happy hearing the kind words from Musti!

Musti sprayed water on tortoise through a hose from his garden. Tortoise was so happy and relieved. She thanked Musti! While they were having a chit chat, their friend rabbit came to the garden.

Rabbit was surprised to see the shower bath offered by Musti to the tortoise. Tortoise called him rainmaker. Even rabbit felt extremely hot and expressed his grief over the climate. When Musti decided to help rabbit by spraying water on him, there was no water! Musti and rabbit was shocked! What can they do? Watch the animated story.

This is one of the stories with a nice moral for kids. Don’t forget to offer help when some really needs it. It could be very small thing. Yet, if you can help someone, do not hesitate.

For instance, offering a glass of water, just as Musti did!

And kids can learn about the differences in climate; how they respond to different climate; etc.

The Little Birds

There was a beautiful garden in Musti’s home. Musti is loved by all the animals and birds lived in his garden. Also, he loved them all. The garden had a beautiful and compact nest. The nest was the shelter for a mother bird and three little baby birds.

Musti was so fond of those tiny baby birds. He visits them often and plays with them. One day, the mother bird told her baby birds to stay in place for a while as she was about to move away in search of food. The baby birds agreed. Musti reached there and the mother bird asked Musti to look after her kids. Musti agreed. Of course, our Musti is so sweet and kind.

Musti was looking at the tiny nest. The three baby birds were resting inside. Musti wandered here and there in the garden. The baby birds seemed uncomfortable in the nest without their mother.

Suddenly, a baby bird fell down. However, she was saved by the tortoise. Musti thanked Tortoise. He explained that these kids missing their mom. Musti asked Tortoise to take care of those birds. He went in search of the mother bird. Musti consoled the babies and promised them to bring back their mother as soon as possible.

Was Musti able to bring the mother bird and make the babies happy? Watch the colorful story!

The animation of this story is just beautiful. Every character is amazingly presented in the story. The three little birds are lovely to watch. Kids will surely love to see the colorful animation.

Every story in the series of animated stories for kids featuring Musti has good morals for kids. The background voice and music adds more life to the video.

When someone needs your help, you should not hesitate to do, just like Musti offered his help to take care of the baby birds. Similarly, Tortoise rushed to help and protect the baby bird from falling from her nest. It is a voluntary help! Would you not offer helping hand?